Practice Description
My life purpose is to spiritually and lovingly nurture and facilitate individuals so they consciously choose, create, communicate, and manifest their deepest self.
Are you wanting to bring your life dreams into reality?
Has your relationship lost its passion and joy?
Using my skill as a coach, I can help you turn your dreams into reality and turn a stale, friction frought relationship into a loving and joyful one. It is my passion to be of service to my clients and to serve as a role model for them. After a divorce when my children were under 5 years of age, I found the courage to build a private clinical psycholgy practice and write a book about the excruciating decision to divorce and rebuild my life.
In 1978, I journeyed to India based on a meditation and there I met my soul mate; we married shortly thereafter, and have recently celebrated 41 years of love. We enjoy our children and grandchildren. I am healthy, vibrant, and energetic. I authentically live my values.
Out of my experiences with my beloved Cats, I expanded my esoteric knowledge into an astrologically based multidimensional personality system that I statistically validated on more than forty thousand cases. I use Noble Sciences™ Sacred Synthesis Tools when appropriate in coaching and in conjunction with other tools.
My first book, published in 1976, was Marriage in Trouble: A Time of Decision. Since then I’ve published extensively, especially on my websites, in articles, E-books, guided meditation audios, and through Noble Sciences (cf. www.noblesciences.com, www.beyondhumandesign.com).